About UsVision & Mission
About Auroar's Degree College

Vision & Mission

About Aurora's Degree College

Our Vision

"Making Aurora Synonymous with learning"

Our Mission

"To serve the nation as a Centre of Learning for the advancement and preservation of knowledge"

We help students assimilate the true meaning of education in the real sense enabling them to carve a niche for themselves in the society. Our approach not only makes them succeed in the competitive scenario, but teaches them the right attitude towards life so that they can become better citizens of the country.

The era of Globalization has brought a new power to compete and collaborate globally. Individuals are now aspiring to compete for global opportunities. The opportunities and challenges globally are now more complicated and interconnected. The students thus understandably need help in recognizing the risks and interests in the broad, yet critical concepts that characterize the global scenario. Hence, there is a need to restructure the curriculum to incorporate the need of an increasing awareness about the global complexity and interdependence, master the ability to communicate across various cultures, appreciate differences and understand the difficulties in changing attitudes.

It is here that we need "Global Citizenship" aiming at preparing the individuals to rethink their conceptions, adjust to the new integrated world order and understand the efforts to meet its challenges. The college aims at achieving the vision by framing the values such as openness, ethical behaviour, self esteem, empathy and professionalism that run as an undercurrent for all the initiatives and activities undertaken.

  • The traditional student-teacher hierarchy is softened to allow interaction thus helping them to be open and autonomous.
  • Students are encouraged to involve in various social initiatives helping them to empathize and appreciate problems of human beings around.
  • Steps are taken to ensure that students develop as ethically responsible individuals with high levels of moral reasoning.
  • The students are nurtured to have professional values such as time bound action, to be responsible and accountable.
  • Students are helped to develop their confidence and high priority is given to self-esteem.
  • The college involves students in the institution building activities while participating in decision making as well as execution.
  • The students are facilitated to be seekers of education while designing one's own requirement in the learning process.
  • Students work as teams rather than individuals and constantly promote the student centered philosophy.
  • They learn through collaborative and group efforts thus making learning a community activity.
  • The college promotes the concept of versatility where students need to have multiple abilities beyond the text books and examinations
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